
Pavers Triumph Over Asphalt:

Elevate Your Driveway Design!
Gone are the days when driveways were mere afterthoughts. Enter the era of concrete pavers, where driveway design becomes a canvas for artistic landscaping.

Once ubiquitous, asphalt driveways now take a backseat. Even when distance is a factor, the driveway closest to the house opts for the eye-catching allure of concrete pavers. The asphalt industry attempts aesthetics with imprinted designs and heated cables, mimicking cobble or brick appearances.

However, when it comes to sheer strength, asphalt bows to concrete pavers. With tensile strength reaching a whopping 10,000 pounds per square inch, these pavers outshine all competitors in durability.

The secret? It’s all in the foundation. While poured concrete driveways often succumb to unsightly cracks and shifts, a well-built foundation is the backbone of enduring paver driveways. Don’t settle for the surface – invest in what lies beneath for driveways that stand the test of time!